Barry Morgan's World Of Organs

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Back in 2020, I found Barry Morgan's World Of Organs on YouTube.

Barry is an organ salesman from Adelaide in Australia whose aim is to bring the joy of the organ to everyone (I kid you not).

I've been a fan since then, Barry's infectious humour is helped along by his sense of fashion that's straight out of the 1970s. Safari suit and Campari sales have experienced a huge resurgence in sales since Barry hit the music scene.

Barry does lot of gigs back home in Australia, but his Roadie, Stretch, who we met before the show, tells me that he will be spending more time in the UK.

Barry will hold his organ parties anywhere that has the space for his Hammond Organ with its amazing Leslie speaker.

We were lucky enough to attend a organ party (like a tupperware party really, but with more organ) yesterday and closely avoided buying another organ despite Barry's efforts to the contrary. You may remember that it's Barry's influence that means that I have a Yamaha Electone Organ in my studio - not as big as Barry's, but impressive nonetheless.

This party was held in the impressive Brecon Cathedral in Wales as part of the Mindset stage, itself part of the Brecon Jazz festival.

Barry showed us his one-finger method and even demonstrated a smaller organ - convenient if you don't have the space for a behemoth of a Hammond.

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Barry will take you back to the 1970s when many self respecting homes had one of these organs to pass the time away between episodes of "The Golden Shot" & "The Price Is Right". Combined with tasteful decor and home furnishings no house was complete without a bit of bossanova rhythm.

Barry himself does interviews with musical artists, get in touch if you think you're up for a bit of an organ duet.

We got the chance to have a quick chat and jam, video below.

If you get the chance to meet Barry, or would like him at your musical event, get in touch with him to chat - he's a lovely chap!

Article - Simon Taylor, 11th August 2024

"Touch, Release, Smile!"